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Something for mountain lovers: The cycling trail on top of the „Blauen“

The trail on top of the “Blauen“ is challenging, because you have a total ascent of 815 meters during this trip. This challenge will be rewarded by the amazing view from the mountain “Blauen”, which is the last one in the southern. Standing up there you might be able to see the Jura Mountains and Vosges Mountains. This trail leads you along mostly quiet streets.
We start the description of the trail in “Kandern”. Whoever is coming from “Weil” or “Lörrach” has plenty of cycle ways he can choose from in the valley of “Kandern”. First drive towards “Badenweiler” and after 3 kilometers you will drive through “Sitzenkirchen”. There from the hill “St. Johannis- Breite” in 482 meters height you have a first view over the Rhine valley. Quiet streets lead you along the western slope of the Black Forest, then to the left down into the valley “Eggener Tal” and then into the valley of “Lipburg”. Here you see the beauty of the margravian country and to your right you can see our destination point the “Blauen” for the first time.

Before you reach “Badenweiler”, after 11 kilometers of our tour, turn right and be prepared. The beginning of the climb on the mountain “Blauen” could be lung function test, since it has ascents of 10%. In average you have an ascent of 8% on this 8 km long way until you reached the peak of the mountain. The very last part of the trail up the mountain, from the “Blauenhaus” on, is less exhausting. Whoever thinks that cycling is not there to be heavily breathing though can also not take the junction towards the peak and drive on almost even streets. If you decide to take the challenge of driving the 3 km long ascent on top of the “Blauen” (1165m) you will not regret it. You will have an amazing panorama view up there.

Continue driving towards the village „Marzell“. After 23,5 km of our trail you will reach “Egerten” and after 25,8 km, at the specialists hospitals in the upper valley of “Kandern”, you have the opportunity of shortening the trip, turn right and drive down into the valley of “Kandern” and end up in “Kandern” very shortly.

For the main route you have to turn left and ascent for another kilometer until you reach the “Lipple Paß”(km 26,8). Here you can refresh yourself at fountain. Now you will drive downhill on narrow and curvy streets, so be careful. At the height of the community “Wies”(km 30,5) you can let go of your breaks. Now you leave the big street to the right and cycle up towards “Sallneck”. At 34,5 km of our tour you will pass the guest- house “Hirschen” where you can take a bite to eat. Then you continue driving towards “Kandern” A little but steep ascent brings you on top of the mountain saddle and then you can drive along the villages “Lehnacker”, “Kirchhausen” and “Edenburg” and enjoy the amazing view. Now you can drive down until you reach the “Scheideck” and after the red “Rain” you continue driving downhill towards “Kandern”


The landscape on this trail is beautiful, but the life of the people living here used to be very hard and poor. An example is one of the stations of this tour, the village of “Kirchhausen”. Before World War I the residents of the farm “Schneiderhof” had saved money for a renovation of their farm, but during the inflation all the money was lost. Today monument conservators say this was lucky, because nothing has changed very much in the last 300 years. The farm is still the same, even the head of the ox that carried the wood, the house was built of and who was butchered for the inauguration ceremony, still hangs under the roof of the house. Between May and November you visit a behind-the-scenes-tour on Wednesday and Saturday between 3 and 5 pm or Sunday between 1 and 5 pm.




Einkehr Möglichkeiten

Startpunkt der Tour


Endpunkt der Tour


Highlights entlang der Route

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